How to Check KOA Data for ReplicationIntroduction:NASA proposers to Keck are asked to verify that the science goals for which they are requesting Keck time cannot be achieved with public data in KOA. This document is designed to help new KOA users and NASA Keck proposers determine if their objects of interest have public data in KOA and to present the methods for gathering information about the observations. In the case of overlapping targets, the best way to determine if the existing data are sufficient to meet your scientific goals is to download and examine them. MOSFIRE slit masks can be examined by reading the FITS headers. Please note that LRIS slit masks are unavailable in KOA. You may learn more about available data reduction pipelines here. Using the KOA Search Interface:If you have a single target:
If you have multiple targets:You may prepare a list of targets in a file and upload it to KOA, which returns a summary of all data available for all selected instruments. The format of the uploaded file may be CSV, tab-delimited, or IPAC ASCII. See Table Formatting for detailed information and examples. The simplest approach is, however, to simply prepare tables of object names or a list of positions, per the two samples below. The tables must be saved as ASCII files: use editors that do not add special or hidden characters. Table Option 1: List of objects resolvable by NED/SIMBAD. Each line in this table should be a resolvable object. No header is necessary. Sample table: Table Option 2: Table of locationsM67 ngc 1097 The header of this table must include 'ra' and 'dec'. You may optionally include an 'object' column; if it is populated, its contents will be used to label each row of the search results. RA and Dec must be J2000 coordinates and may be given in decimal degrees or sexagesimal. Sample table: ra,dec,object 289.147941100,30.184500500, M56 277.158208330,-66.982277780, ic4710 179.874583330,-19.297222220, object 3 How to upload your table:
The results page from a Multi-Object search will show which objects have public data. Sample Multiple Object Table File Results: Click on the 'See Results' link to examine the observations.
Understanding Search Results:From the results page, you can (if desired):
Accessing Weather Data:
Download Tables of All Public ObservationsKOA provides ASCII tables, updated weekly, which contain records of all public science and calibration data for each instrument. These tables may be useful for observers with much longer target lists who prefer to perform filtering/searching using their own tools or scripts. Column descriptions are unique to each instrument, and summarized in the documentation links included.
Please acknowledge the use of KOA by including this text in your publications:
Privacy Policy Image Use Policy The Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) is a collaboration between the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO). NExScI is sponsored by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program, and operated by the California Institute of Technology in coordination with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). |