Column Descriptions

DEIMOS Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('DEIMOS')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

ESI Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('ESI')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
waveblue int Wavelength at blue end (angstroms)
wavered int Wavelength at red end (angstroms)
filter char Filter wheel named position
apmsknam char Aperture mask named position
slmsknam char Slitmask named position
obsmode char Observing mode: "low" (spectral resolution), "high" (spectral resolution), or "image"

GUIDER Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
ofname char Original filename
currinst char Instrument name ('DEIMOS')
camname char Camera name
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
filter char Filter wheel named position
waveblue int Wavelength at blue end (microns)
wavered int Wavelength at red end (microns)
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

HIRES Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('HIRES')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
deckname char Combination of the decker (A-E) and slit number (1-5) on that decker
fil1name char Name(s) of filter(s) used.
fil2name char Name(s) of filter(s) used.
guidfwhm double FWHM of guide star when available
iodin char T/F where T = iodine cell is in
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (angstroms)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (angstroms)

KCWI Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('KCWI')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (angstroms)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (angstroms)
camera char Camera chip: FPC for imaging (KF), BLUE (KB) or RED (KR) for spectroscopy
bgratnam char Blue Grating name
bfiltnam char Blue Filter name
rgratnam char Red Grating name
ifunam char IFU position name
stateid char State ID
statenam char User-defined state name

KPF Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('KPF')
currinst char Selected instrument
object char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found in online documentation
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (angstroms)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (angstroms)
red char Red camera found
green char Green camera found
ca_hk char CA_HK camera found
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

LRIS Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('LRIS')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
blufilt char Name of filter on blue side
dichname char Dichroic clamp name
graname char Grating name (red side)
grisname char Grism name (blue side)
guidfwhm double FWHM of guide star when available
instrume char 'LRIS' (red side) or 'LRISBLUE' (blue side)
redfilt char Name of filter on red side
slitname char name of the slit used
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (angstroms)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (angstroms)

LWS Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('LWS')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

MOSFIRE Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('MOSFIRE')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (microns)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (microns)
gratmode char Detector mode ("imaging" or "spectroscopy")
pscale double Pixel scale for science camera
filter char Filter name
mgtname char Grating turret position name
maskname char Name of the current slit mask
sampmode int Sampling mode (1: Single, 2: CDS, 3: MCDS, 4: UTR)
numreads int Number of reads
coadds int Number of coadds actually completed
truitime double True integration time in seconds per coadd
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

NIRC Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('NIRC')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle

NIRC2 Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('NIRC2')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
camname char Name of camera used: 'narrow', 'medium', or 'wide'
detmode char Detector mode ('lodisp', 'hidisp' or 'image')
filter char Name of filter used
grsname char grism slider's named position
guidfwhm double FWHM of guide star when available
slsname char name of the slit slide position
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (microns)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (microns)

NIRES Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('NIRES')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
filter char Name of filter used
instr char 'spec' or 'imag'
slitlen double Slit length projected on sky (arcsec)
slitwidt double Slit width projected on sky (arcsec)
spatscal double CCD pixel scale, spatial (arcsec/pixel)
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (microns)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (microns)

NIRSPEC Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('NIRSPEC')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
camera char Detector mode ('scam' or 'spec')
dispers char 'high' or 'low'
filter char Name of filter used
slitname char Name of the slit used
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (microns)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (microns)

OSIRIS Column Descriptions

Column Name Type Description
koaid char Unique identifier for each file
instrument char Instrument name ('OSIRIS')
targname char Target name as supplied by observer
koaimtyp char Type of observation: 'object' for science files, types of calibration files can be found here
frameno int Frame number
ra double RA in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
dec double Declination in decimal degrees, J2000 equinox
date_obs char UT date of observation, in format YYYY-MM-DD
ut char UT time of observation, in format HH:MM:SS.XX
elaptime double Exposure time in seconds
semid char Semester and Program ID (ie 2006A_U026H)
proginst char Institution (ie, NASA, UH)
progpi char Principal Investigator
progtitl char Title of observing program
fileurl char URL to download file
filehand char File handle
airmass double Airmass of the observation
filter char Name of filter used
instr char 'image' or 'spec'
scale double Pixel scale value in milliarcsec per pixel
waveblue double Wavelength at blue end (nanometers)
wavered double Wavelength at red end (nanometers)