Moving Object Search Results


The results page for a Moving Object Search is similar to those of Basic and More Searches; that is, it presents a table of all files and associated metadata that meet the search criteria along with options to select and download the files. As is done for the Basic searches, Moving Object searches automatically performs calibration association and returns any relevant calibration files. See: Understanding Search Results.

Additionally, there is a column, Ephemeris Previews, which provides links that show the position of each observation superposed on the track of the Ephemeris of the moving object.

ephemeris link

Ephemeris Previews

These previews show the location of each observation on the sky with respect to the track of the search object's ephemeris (Shown below is an example of a NIRSPEC search of the Martian satellite Phobos.). For presentation, the observations are gathered in groups on the same part of the sky determined heuristically, according to the distribution of the search results on the sky. These groupings are performed per instrument so that only a single instrument is shown on a preview image. The maps discriminate between those files containing WCS information (denoted by red circles) and those that do not (denoted by red squares); the latter case assumes that the observation is centered at the position at which the telescope was pointing. The ephemeris track is shown in green, and the bounding boxes for the search area (see How the Service Works for more information on these bounding boxes) are outlined in blue.

To the right of the view of the tracks are two tabulations of the results. The first tab organizes results according to their groupings on the sky, denoted Subset Images, and contains a link to all the observations within that grouping, identified by their KOAIDs.

The Subset Images table contains these columns:

Subset Image[Image #]/[Spec #] links to the subset image of the ephemeris with image/spectroscopic data superposed. The [KOAIDs] link shows the listing of the KOAID(s) in that subset image.
UT StartUT of the earliest ephemeris position in the subset image
UT EndUT of the latest ephemeris position in the subset image
MJD StartMJD of the earliest ephemeris position in the subset image
MJD EndMJD of the latest ephemeris position in the subset image
RA CenterRA (in degrees) of the center of the subset image
Dec CenterDec (in degrees) of the center of the subset image


The second tab, called KOAIDs, lists the individual KOAIDs and identifies the Subset Images into which they are grouped. The table contains the following columns:

Subset Image[Image #]/[Spec #] links to the subset image of the ephemeris that contains the KOAID
KOAIDKOAID in the subset image
UT Obs Date TimeUT observation date and time of the observation
MJD Obs DateMJD observation date and time of the observation
RARA (in degrees) of the observation
DecDec (in degrees) of the observation
