Extracted Spectra Grades

The extracted spectra provided as a browse product represent the result of automatic processing through one particular data reduction tool, MAKEE. In general, human operators of such reduction tools can do a better job of spectral extraction than an automated pipeline, and hence, we strongly recommend that archive users who wish to make serious scientific use of the data should download the raw images and reduce the data themselves, taking particular care that the reduction parameters do not compromise the science that they hope to glean from the data.

Nevertheless, extractions by the pipeline can be quite good. In order to interpret the quality of the extractions, KOA also has an automated "quality assessment" (QA) grade. Again, the automated nature of this grading process is imperfect, so even the grade may not be correct in the archive. Grading is done order-by-order, and the large number of orders in the archive discourage manual grading of each order.

The automatic QA grade is either "Pass", "Fail" or "Unknown." A "Pass" means that reduction artifacts, while they may be present, do not obscure the underlying astronomical data. A "Fail" means that no sign of the underlying data is visible in the extraction; it is dominated by reduction artifacts. "Unknown" means that a QA grade could not be determined. Grades are included in the EXQUAL FITS header keyword.

Grades represent the quality of the extraction, not necessarily the quality of the original data.

Figure 1: Automated grading of a subset of HIRES extractions shows that 93% of the extractions are good, and correctly graded. Another 2% are bad extractions, but also correctly graded. The remaining 5% are incorrectly graded by the automatic algorithm.

Please see Guide to Interpreting the Extracted Spectra for more information on spectra quality.

For a thorough description of the quality assessment procedures, see Quality Assessment of KOA HIRES Extracted Spectra (PDF).