CURL and WGET Scripts to Download File Packages
Download Page ExampleUsing the WGET Script to Download File PackagesGNU wget is a command-line tool for retrieving files via HTTP. If your download package includes more than one TAR file, it may be easier to download and run the wget script to retrieve your files, rather than downloading them one at a time. The wget script generated by the KOA download packaging process includes commands to retrieve each of your TAR files, and sends the appropriate cookie so that you can access proprietary data. If wget is unavailable, see the Curl Instructions below. To use the wget script:
If you don't already have wget installed, you can download it from one of the following sites:
Note: Using the CURL Script to Download File PackagesCurl is a command-line tool for retrieving files via HTTP. If your download package includes more than one TAR file, it may be easier to download and run the curl script to retrieve your files, rather than downloading them one at a time.The curl script generated by the KOA download packaging process includes commands to retrieve each of your TAR files, and sends the appropriate cookie so that you can access proprietary data. If curl is unavailable, see the WGET Instructions above. To use the curl script:
If you don't already have curl installed, you can download it from Curl Instructions for altering a WGET script
If you have an existing wget script (and not a curl script) and wish to convert to using curl, first create the cookie file with the following at the comand line, substituting your KOA login username and password for "USER" and "PASS": Reduced Science Quality Data DownloadsWhen selecting reduced data downloads for DEIMOS and KCWI, curl and wget scripts are included on the download results page and packaged with the first science tarfile. These scripts will prompt you for your KOA login and a cookie will be saved locally for use by the script. If you are downloading public reduced data (no login is required), then when prompted for the username and password you can just press tthe return key. |
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Privacy Policy Image Use Policy The Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) is a collaboration between the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO). NExScI is sponsored by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program, and operated by the California Institute of Technology in coordination with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). |