Using the Guider Search FormChoosing Instrument:You can search for guider data taken with one or more of the guider cameras associated with the following instruments in the archive: DEIMOS, ESI, HIRES, KCWI, KPF, LRIS, MOSFIRE, NIRC2, NIRES, NIRSPEC, and OSIRIS. The schedule for public access to non-proprietary data can be found in the description of User Access and Proprietary Periods. The distinction between visible and near-infrared refers to the capabilities of the instruments and not necessarily those of an instrument's guide camera(s).
Entering Search Criteria:In this section of the search form, you instruct the archive to search by UT Observation Date(s) or Object Name or Location or Target Name keyword where the file search is conducted as:
Observation Date:You may restrict your search to a single UT date, or an inclusive range of dates. The date on which an observation was made is determined by the DATE-OBS FITS keyword. Please note that an observing run that goes over the UT date line will include observations with two different values of DATE-OBS. Allowed formats: MM/DD/YY Examples: 03/01/05 Object Name or Location:To search an area on the sky, provide the center location and search radius:
By default, NED is contacted first; if no matching location is found, SIMBAD will be searched. For stellar objects, SIMBAD locations may be more accurate. Please note that observations taken of a specific object (i.e., M51) may not be returned when you perform a spatial search for that object, if the RA and DEC values of the observation are too far away from the NED or SIMBAD location of the object. If you don't see the results you expect when doing a spatial search by object name, try increasing the "Radius" value to increase the search area, or switching to "Search by TARGNAME keyword" (below).
For "More Search Options":
Search by TARGNAME keyword:
For "Guider Search":
For "Basic Search" or "More Search Options":
Queries on TARGNAME search for case-insensitive substrings of the entries in the TARGNAME keyword, without any name resolution. For files where TARGNAME is blank (common in calibration files), KOA searches the OBJECT keyword, entered by observers at the telescope and intended for their records and often does not correspond to a name that NED or SIMBAD can resolve into sky coordinates. For NIRC2 and OSIRIS data, the string search is performed on both TARGNAME and OBJECT, though only OBJECT is displayed in the results since for these instruments, the OBJECT keyword is more likely to contain the observer's name for the science target. Searches on TARGNAME are particularly useful for finding Solar System objects.
KOA performs no validation on the returned data, and so TARGNAME searches may return data that do not contain the desired target. Be sure to examine the quicklook images of the returned records and only select the desired data before proceeding with analysis.
Please acknowledge the use of KOA by including this text in your publications:
Privacy Policy Image Use Policy The Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) is a collaboration between the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO). NExScI is sponsored by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program, and operated by the California Institute of Technology in coordination with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). |