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aborted Exposure was stopped before completion airmass air mass (1.03)g aoaoamed AO WFC AOA camera median light level (counts)g aodelay Delay after AO locksg aodmstat AO deformable mirror loop stateg aodrdten AO DAR DTT CTRLOFF ENABLEg aodrena AO DAR_ENABLE/DISABLEg aodtstat AO downlink tip/tilt loop stateg aofclbct AO FC LBWFS controlg aofclbfo AO FC LBWFS pregain focus calc val (m)g aofclgct AO FC LGS controlg aofclgfo AO FC LGS pregain focus calc val (m)g aofcngct AO FC NGS controlg aofcngfo AO FC NGS Focus Calc Value (m)g aofcsalt AO FC sodium alt preset (m)g aofmx AO field steering mirrors X position (mm)g aofmy AO field steering mirrors Y position (mm)g aofomode AO focus offloading modeg aolbfwhm AO LBWFS avg fwhmg aolbxoff AO LBWFS image xoffset aolbyoff AO LBWFS image xoffset aolpmove AO LSP MOVE ENABLEg aoopsmod AO General Ops Mode FITSg aotsdar AO TSS_USE_DAR?g aotsx AO tip/tilt sensor stage X position (mm)g aotsy AO tip/tilt sensor stage Y position (mm)g aotsz AO tip/tilt sensor stage Z position (mm)g aottmode AO tip/tilt offloading modeg aowfc0 AO WFS focus stage FSM coefficient 0g axestat axes control statusg az telescope azimuth (172.67 deg)g badpix FITS filename contg bitpix number of bits per data pixelg bscale Linear factor in scaling equation bunit Physical units of the array values bzero Zero point in scaling equation calocal collimation azimuth local (40.7 arcsec)g cdec declination cdelt1 Size projected into detector pixel in axis1g cdelt2 Size projected into detector pixel in axis2g celldran Celldrain (pix src follower) in V (from ASIC) celocal collimation elevation local (-21.8 arcsec)g clkspeed Pixel clocking speed in kHz coadds Number of coadded frames coadds0 Requested number of coadditions cra right ascensiong crota2 Rotation of horizontal and vertical axesg crpix1 Reference pixel on the horizontal axisg crpix2 Reference pixel on the vertical axisg crval1 Horizontal axis WCS value at the reference pixelg crval2 Vertical axis WCS value at the reference pixelg ctmp1 Temperature at Sensor 1g ctmp2 Temperature at Sensor 2g ctmp3 Temperature at Sensor 3g ctmp4 Temperature at Sensor 4g ctmp5 Temperature at Sensor 5g ctmp6 Temperature at Sensor 6g ctmp7 Temperature at Sensor 7g ctmp8 Temperature at Sensor 8g ctmploc1 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 1g ctmploc2 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 2g ctmploc3 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 3g ctmploc4 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 4g ctmploc5 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 5g ctmploc6 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 6g ctmploc7 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 7g ctmploc8 Name of the location of Temperature Sensor 8g ctype1 WCS Type of the horizontal coordinateg ctype2 WCS Type of the vertical coordinateg currinst current instrumentg datafile Original filename at the telescopeg datasec Current datasection of the frame dataset dataset name date_obs observing date (UT) datlevel Data reduction levelg dcoords Dither coordinates - sky/instrg dcsstat drive and control statusg dcsvers drive and control version ddec Differential tracking rate (DEC)g dec Declination in decimal degrees decoff declination offset (0.0000 arcsec)g detendx End Column for subarray (1-based) detendy End Row for subarray (1-based) detgain Detector gain factor detstrtx Start Column for subarray (1-based) detstrty Start Row for subarray (1-based) dlstoff1 Offset from last dither pos-axis 1g dlstoff2 Offset from last dither pos-axis 2g dmgain Set DM loop gaing dmmrfn Name of DM reconstructor fileg domeposn dome azimuth (172.57 deg)g domestat dome statusg dpwname1 Name of the device controlled by outlet 1g dpwname2 Name of the device controlled by outlet 2g dpwname3 Name of the device controlled by outlet 3g dpwname4 Name of the device controlled by outlet 4g dpwname5 Name of the device controlled by outlet 5g dpwname6 Name of the device controlled by outlet 6g dpwname7 Name of the device controlled by outlet 7g dpwname8 Name of the device controlled by outlet 8 dpwstat1 Power status of outlet 1g dpwstat2 Power status of outlet 2g dpwstat3 Power status of outlet 3g dpwstat4 Power status of outlet 4g dpwstat5 Power status of outlet 5g dpwstat6 Power status of outlet 6g dpwstat7 Power status of outlet 7g dpwstat8 Power status of outlet 8g dqa_date Date of DQA rung dqa_vers DQA version numberg dra Differential tracking rate (RA)g drain Drain (output buffer) in V dsub Substrate voltage in V dtclp OPEN/CLOSE TT CLMP ctrl loopg dtgain Set TT loop gaing dtgaindb Detector gain in dB dtgainnm Detector gain setting [0-15] dtmp1 Temperature at Sensor 1g dtmp2 Temperature at Sensor 2g dtmp3 Temperature at Sensor 3g dtmp4 Temperature at Sensor 4g dtmp5 Temperature at Sensor 5g dtmp6 Temperature at Sensor 6g dtmp7 Temperature at Sensor 7g dtmp8 Temperature at Sensor 8g dtmploc1 Location of Temperature Sensor 1g dtmploc2 Location of Temperature Sensor 2g dtmploc3 Location of Temperature Sensor 3g dtmploc4 Location of Temperature Sensor 4g dtmploc5 Location of Temperature Sensor 5g dtmploc6 Location of Temperature Sensor 6g dtmploc7 Location of Temperature Sensor 7g dtmploc8 Location of Temperature Sensor 8g dtotoff1 Offset from start of dither-axis 1g dtotoff2 Offset from start of dither-axis 2g dtrack Differential tracking enabledg dtsensor Select WFS or STRAP or NIRTTS or STRAP NIRTT el Telescope elevationg elaptime elapsed-time endx Sub-array end x pixel endy Sub-array end y pixel epwname1 Name of the device controlled by outlet 1g epwname2 Name of the device controlled by outlet 2g epwname3 Name of the device controlled by outlet 3g epwname4 Name of the device controlled by outlet 4g epwname5 Name of the device controlled by outlet 5g epwname6 Name of the device controlled by outlet 6g epwname7 Name of the device controlled by outlet 7g epwname8 Name of the device controlled by outlet 8g epwstat1 Power status of outlet 1g epwstat2 Power status of outlet 2g epwstat3 Power status of outlet 3g epwstat4 Power status of outlet 4g epwstat5 Power status of outlet 5g epwstat6 Power status of outlet 6g epwstat7 Power status of outlet 7g epwstat8 Power status of outlet 8g equinox telescope-equinox extend FITS dataset may contain extensionsg extname Extension Name extver Number assigned to this FITS extension filehand Path to the file in the archive filter Filter (added by KOA) flamp1 lamp1 off on flamp2 lamp2 off on focalstn focal station fpower both set power frameno Frame number framenum Frame Number gain Detector gain in ADU per electron groups Number of sampling groups groups0 Requested number of groups guidfwhm Guide star FWHM value guidtime Guide star FWHM measure time guidwave guidestar wavelength (microns)g ha telescope hour angle (+23:52:38.13 h)g hrpstype Horizontal reference pixel subtraction type hxrgcfg1 ASIC Regs 0x4010:0x4017 hxrgcfg2 ASIC Regs 0x4018:0x401F hxrgvers HxRG timing code version icurtmp Temperature at Channel 2g if1mech The overall name of the mechanismg if1name The name of the current positiong if1raw Current position of mechanism in stepsg if1stat Mechanism Status (Ok if1swtch Current Switch Valueg if2mech The overall name of the mechanismg if2name The name of the current positiong if2raw Current position of mechanism in stepsg if2stat Mechanism Status (Ok if2swtch Current Switch Valueg ifilter Imager filterg iframe Current imag frame of dither positiong iframes Number of imag frames per spec frameg ignordrd Number of discarded initial reads ihtract Switch for temperature control for channel 2g ihtrout Heater output percentage of channel 2g imagmode Imager observation modeg instangl porg to instrument angle (48.0 deg)g instflip porg to instrument y flipg instr Spectrometer (spec) or Imager (imag) instrume instrument's name iorient Imag orientation wrt spec issky flag for sky frames (0=not sky itime Integration time of each coadd itime0 Requested itime in microseconds per coadd itrgtmp Desired temperature for channel 2g koaid Unique identifier for each file koaimtyp Type of observation: 'object' for science files lgrmswf LGSAO RMS WF Residualg longstrn The OGIP Long String Convention may be used. lsamppwr Amp Power (watts)g lsprop Laser Propagatingg lst local apparent sidereal time (h)g ltm1_1 ccd to image transformationg ltm2_2 ccd to image transformationg mjd_obs modified julian date of observation (54600.4376g naxis number of data axesg naxis1 length of data axis 1g naxis2 length of data axis 2g ngroup Groups actually completed in this coadd nlinear Number of pixels above 3% non-linearity levelg noisefil Filename cog nonlin 3 percent non-linearity level (80% full well)g npixsat Number of pixels above saturationg numreads Number of readsg oa Observing assistantg obamname Named position control for AFMg obfmdren FSM Coordinated move use dar or not (.)g obfmxim Image plane x motion for FSM (mm)g obfmxpu Pupil plane x motion for FSM (subaps)g obfmyim Image plane y motion for FSM (mm)g obfmypu Pupil plane y motion for FSM (subaps)g obfsname Named position control for FSSg obimname Named position control for ISMg object object name objpttrn Dither pattern for object framesg oblbname Named position control for LBSg oblbx User value of LBS x axis (mm) oblby User value of LBS y axis (mm) obrt User value of ROT (deg)g obsdname Named position control for SODg observer Observer name(s)g obsfname Named position control for SFPg obsfx User value of SFP x axis (mm)g obsfy User value of SFP y axis (mm)g obsfz User value of SFP z axis (mm)g obsi User value of SFD (mm)g obsnname Named position control for SNDg obstype Observation type: astro obswname Named position control for SFWg obswsta White light power statusg obtd User value of TTD (mm) obtdname Named position control for TTD obtf User value of TTF (mm) obtfname Named position control for TTF obtsname Named position control for TSSg obtsx User value of TSS x axis (mm)g obtsy User value of TSS y axis (mm)g obtsz User value of TSS z axis (mm)g obwcname Named position control for WCSg obwf User value of FCS (mm)g obwfstst State of FCS as stringg obwlname Named position control for WLSg obwnname Named position control for WNDg obwpname Named position control for WPSg ofname Original filename at the telescope outdir Output directory pa_imag Position angle of imager on skyg pa_spec Position angle of spectrograph on skyg parang parallactic angle astrometric (-6.89 deg)g parantel parallactic angle telescope (16.72 deg) pcifile Filename containing PCI DSg pcsflz LZ POSITION (mm) pcsfname PCU NAMED_POSTION pcsfx X POSITION (mm) pcsfy Y POSITION (mm) poname pointing origin name poname1 pointing origin name 1g poname10 pointing origin name 10 poname11 pointing origin name 11 poname12 pointing origin name 12 poname13 pointing origin name 13 poname14 pointing origin name 14 poname15 pointing origin name 15 poname16 pointing origin name 16 poname17 pointing origin name 17 poname18 pointing origin name 18 poname19 pointing origin name 19 poname2 pointing origin name 2g poname3 pointing origin name 3g poname4 pointing origin name 4 poname5 pointing origin name 5 poname6 pointing origin name 6 poname7 pointing origin name 7 poname8 pointing origin name 8 poname9 pointing origin name 9 poxoff pointing origin x offset (0.00 mm) poxpos pointing origin xposition (-5.06 mm)g poxpos1 pointing origin xposition 1 (0.00 mm)g poxpos10 pointing origin xposition 10 (2.94 mm) poxpos11 pointing origin xposition 11 (3.21 mm) poxpos12 pointing origin xposition 12 (1.96 mm) poxpos13 pointing origin xposition 13 (1.82 mm) poxpos14 pointing origin xposition 14 (0.00 mm) poxpos15 pointing origin xposition 15 (3.21 mm) poxpos16 pointing origin xposition 16 (2.94 mm) poxpos17 pointing origin xposition 17 (0.00 mm) poxpos18 pointing origin xposition 18 (0.00 mm) poxpos19 pointing origin xposition 19 (0.00 mm) poxpos2 pointing origin xposition 2 (-5.07 mm)g poxpos3 pointing origin xposition 3 (-5.06 mm)g poxpos4 pointing origin xposition 4 (-8.52 mm) poxpos5 pointing origin xposition 5 (-8.57 mm) poxpos6 pointing origin xposition 6 (-4.94 mm) poxpos7 pointing origin xposition 7 (3.45 mm) poxpos8 pointing origin xposition 8 (-5.61 mm) poxpos9 pointing origin xposition 9 (1.85 mm) poyoff pointing origin y offset (0.00 mm) poypos pointing origin yposition (-6.14 mm)g poypos1 pointing origin yposition 1 (0.00 mm)g poypos10 pointing origin yposition 10 (5.04 mm) poypos11 pointing origin yposition 11 (-11.01 mm) poypos12 pointing origin yposition 12 (-7.95 mm) poypos13 pointing origin yposition 13 (7.85 mm) poypos14 pointing origin yposition 14 (0.00 mm) poypos15 pointing origin yposition 15 (-11.01 mm) poypos16 pointing origin yposition 16 (5.04 mm) poypos17 pointing origin yposition 17 (0.00 mm) poypos18 pointing origin yposition 18 (0.00 mm) poypos19 pointing origin yposition 19 (0.00 mm) poypos2 pointing origin yposition 2 (9.28 mm)g poypos3 pointing origin yposition 3 (-6.14 mm)g poypos4 pointing origin yposition 4 (2.21 mm) poypos5 pointing origin yposition 5 (2.15 mm) poypos6 pointing origin yposition 6 (-3.12 mm) poypos7 pointing origin yposition 7 (4.62 mm) poypos8 pointing origin yposition 8 (-8.19 mm) poypos9 pointing origin yposition 9 (6.82 mm) pressure Current pressure read from gauge in mTorr.g progid WMKO assigned program identification code proginst Program institution progname Program name progpi Program principal investigator progtitl Program title propint CCD1 data proprietary period time interval in months pscale Pixel scale for science camera ra RA in decimal degrees radecsys the system of the coordinatesg raoff right ascension offset (5.0227 arcsec)g rditime Integration time between start of successive reg reads Reads actually completed in this coadd reads0 Requested sampling mode reads readtime Time in seconds to readout detectorg resets Number of resets before exposure rmpdrop Number of drop frames in ramp rmpgroup Number of groups in ramp rmpreads Number of reads in ramp rmpreset Number of resets in ramp rotcalan rotator calibration angle (0.00 deg)g rotdest rotator user destination (48.00 deg)g rotmode rotator tracking modeg rotpdest rotator physical destination (130.41 deg)g rotposn rotator user position (48.00 deg)g rotpposn rotator physical position (130.42 deg)g rotrefan rotator reference angle (0.00 deg)g sampmode Sampling Mode: 1: UTR saturate Saturation level of detectorg scale Plate scale scurtmp Temperature at Channel 1g secfocus secondary mirror focus raw (1.515 mm)g secthetx secondary mirror thetax (arcsec)g secthety secondary mirror thetay (arcsec)g semester Observing semesterg semid SEMESTER and PROGID setnum Dataset Numberg sfilter Move spec fitler wheel by name sframe Current spec frame (dither position) of setg sframes Number of spec frames in datasetg sfwmech The overall name of the mechanismg sfwname The name of the current positiong sfwraw Current position of mechanism in stepsg sfwstat Mechanism Status (Ok sfwswtch Current Switch Valueg shtract Switch for temperature control for channel 1g shtrout Heater output percentage of channel 1g shtrrang Channel 1 Heater range: 0=Off simple file does conform to FITS standardg skypttrn Dither pattern for sky framesg slmmech The overall name of the mechanismg slmname The name of the current positiong slmraw Current position of mechanism in stepsg slmstat Mechanism Status (Ok slmswtch Current Switch Valueg spt_ind Spatial Index ss1mech The overall name of the mechanismg ss1name The name of the current positiong ss1raw Current position of mechanism in stepsg ss1stat Mechanism Status (Ok ss1swtch Current Switch Valueg ss2mech The overall name of the mechanismg ss2name The name of the current positiong ss2raw Current position of mechanism in stepsg ss2stat Mechanism Status (Ok ss2swtch Current Switch Valueg sscale Spec Scaleg startx Sub-array start x pixel starty Sub-array start y pixel stcngn STRAP centroid gain stinttim STRAP Set int time (milli-sec) strgtmp Desired temperature for channel 1g sysgain System gain in e-/ADU targdec target declination targepoc target epoch (2000.000000) targequi target equinox (2000.000000) targfram target frame targname Target name targplax target parallax (0.0 arcsec) targpmdc target proper motion dec (0.000 arcsec/yr) targpmra target proper motion ra (0.0000 s/yr) targra target right ascension targradv target radial velocity (0.000000 km/s) targwave target wavelength (microns)g telescop telescope name telfocus telescope focus compensated (1.419 mm)g timfile Filename contg tkenrup Enable SC ROI updates tkspcact trick SPOC Active tkspccbx trick SPOC CentOff X buffered in pixels tkspccby trick SPOC CentOff Y buffered in pixels tkspccix trick SPOC CentOff X immediate in pixels tkspcciy trick SPOC CentOff Y immediate in pixels tkspcer1 trick SPOC Status Error1 count tkspcer2 trick SPOC Active Error1 count tkspcrcx trick SPOC ROI center X in pixels tkspcrcy trick SPOC ROI center Y in pixels tkspcrlx trick SPOC ROI Loc X in pixels tkspcrly trick SPOC ROI Loc Y in pixels tkspcsts trick SPOC Status tkspcsx trick SPOC Star Xim in meters tkspcsy trick SPOC Star Yim in meters tkspcszx trick SPOC ROI size X in pixels tkspcszy trick SPOC ROI size Y in pixels tkspctrg trick SPOC Camera Trig tkspcwn1 trick SPOC Warning1 Count trkcngn NIRTT centroid gain trkmastr NIRTT Master (1) trknmad1 NIRTT ROI1 COADD (0) trkro1al NIRTT ROI1 AL (0) trkro1cm NIRTT ROI1 CM trkro1dl NIRTT ROI1 DELAY (0) trkro1fo NIRTT ROI1 FOC trkro1pi NIRTT ROI1 PI trkro1pr NIRTT ROI1 PERIOD (0) trkro1xp NIRTT ROI1 XPOS (0) trkro1xs NIRTT ROI1 XSIZE (0) trkro1yp NIRTT ROI1 YPOS (0) trkro1ys NIRTT ROI1 YSIZE (0) trkwtx1 NIRTT weighting factorX ROI1 trkwtx2 NIRTT weighting factorX ROI2 trkwtx3 NIRTT weighting factorX ROI3 trkwtxst NIRTT weighting factorX ST trkwty1 NIRTT weighting factorY ROI1 trkwty2 NIRTT weighting factorY ROI2 trkwty3 NIRTT weighting factorY ROI3 trkwtyst NIRTT weighting factorY ST truitime Actual integratime time of each coadd tubetemp tube temperature (-0.78 degC)g tvangl porg to tv angle (180.0 deg) tvflip porg to tv y flip ut coordinated universal timeg utc coordinated universal timeg utclp OPEN/CLOSE TT CLMP ctrl loopg utdatetime Combined DATE_OBS and UT as a timestamp utgain Set TT loop gaing vbiasgat Gate voltage of SCA in V vbiaspwr Source voltage of SCA in V vdd Digital SCA power supply in V (from ASIC) vdda Analog SCA supply voltage in V (from ASIC) vpramrf1 Ref volt 1 for internal preamp DAC in V (ASIC) vpremdrf Mid ADC ref volt from bias blk in V (from ASIC) vrefmain Ref voltage from bias block in V (from ASIC) vreset Reset voltage in V vrpstype Vertical reference pixel subtraction type wat0_001 coordinate systemg wat1_001 coordinate systemg wat2_001 coordinate systemg waveblue Approximate blue end wavelength (nm) wavecntr Approximate centralwavelength (nm)g wavered Approximate red end wavelength (nm) wcdmstat Status of DM loopg wcdtstat Status of down tt loopg wcsdim number WCS dimensionsg wcutstat Status of utt loopg wfdar Offload DAR before exposureg wfdm Wait for DM lockg wftt Wait for tiptilt lockg wscnorfn Name of origin vec fileg wsfrrt Frame rate for WFS cam (Hz)g wssmgn WFS gain (0)g wssmprg WFS_SciMeas program (0)g
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