PyKOA: NIRC2 Columns
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Column Name
airmass air mass aladver Version of Aladdin chip alcoadds Number of coadditions or groups alfrmeno Image file running number alitime [s] Integration time almulsam Numbers of samples alobject Object name alobserv Observer name aloutdir Data directory alrtname Image file root name alsmpmod Sampling mode (1:Single 2:CDS 3:MCDS 4:UTR) alsmprat [kHz] Pixel sampling rate altrack Pupil mask rotator tracking alx_ext [pix] X extent of the subarray (multiple of 32) aly_ext [pix] Y extent of the subarray (multiple of 8) aoaoamed AO WFC AOA camera median light aocomode AO coma offloading mode aodelay Delay after AO locks aodmstat AO deformable mirror loop stat aodrdten AO DAR DTT CTRLOFF ENABLE aodrena AO DAR_ENABLE/DISABLE aodtstat AO downlink tip/tilt loop stat aofcc0lg AO FC C0 LGSAO aofcc0n2 AO FC C0 NIRC2 aofccoos AO-FC-C0-OSIRIS aofclbct AO FC LBWFS control aofclbfo AO FC LBWFS pregain focus calc val aofclgct AO FC LGS control aofclgfo AO FC LGS pregain focus calc val aofcngct AO FC NGS control aofcngfo AO FC NGS Focus Calc Value aofcsalt AO FC sodium alt preset aofmx AO field steering mirrors X position aofmy AO field steering mirrors Y position aofomode AO focus offloading mode aolbfwhm AO LBWFS avg fwhm aolpmove AO LSP MOVE ENABLE aomod AO mode used for QACITS aoopsmod AO General Ops Mode FITS aoopsmode AO General Ops Mode aostat AO control status aostst AO state aotsdar AO TSS_USE_DAR aotsx AO tip/tilt sensor stage X position aotsy AO tip/tilt sensor stage Y position aotsz AO tip/tilt sensor stage Z position aottmode AO tip/tilt offloading mode aowfc0 AO WFS focus stage FSM coefficient 0 argonpwr Argon lamp control autactiv DCS Guider active autfwhm [pix] DCS Guider fwhm autxcent [asec] DCS Guider x centroid autycent [asec] DCS Guider y centroid axestat axes control status az telescope azimuth bitpix Bits per pixel bscale Scaling factor bzero Scaling zero-pointeger cal_arch Archon time in 10ns per tick at CAL_SYS cal_sys system time at CAL_ARCH calocal collimation azimuth local camd_ver camerad build date camdist camera slider's distance from from home camera Detector/Camera name camname camera slider's named position camraw camera slider's encoder position camstat camera slider's current state cd1_1 coordinate transformation matrix cd1_2 coordinate transformation matrix cd2_1 coordinate transformation matrix cd2_2 coordinate transformation matrix cdec telescope declination celocal collimation elevation local centerx [pix] QACITS initial vortex center X position centery [pix] QACITS initial vortex center Y position cenwave central wavelength of passband checksum HDU checksum updated 2023-03-23T18:26:15 coaddopt QACITS number of coadds for optimization images coaddpsf QACITS number of coadds for off-axis PSF image coadds Number of coadds coaddsci QACITS number of coadds for science images compstat exposure completion status cra telescope right ascension crpix1 Reference pixel on the horizontal axis crpix2 Reference pixel on the vertical axis crval1 Horizontal axis WCS value at the reference pixel crval2 Vertical axis WCS value at the reference pixel ctype1 WCS Type of the horizontal coordinate ctype2 WCS Type of the vertical coordinate currinst current instrument datasum data unit checksum updated 2023-03-23T18:26:15 date_beg Exposure start time date_cmd Time of expose command date_end Exposure stop time date_obs universal date of observation date_ut FITS file write time datlevel Data reduction level dcsstat drive and control status ddec diff decl rate dec Declination in decimal degrees decbase DCS Dec base decoff declination offset detbias Detector bias setting (0-4096) detgain Detector gain detmode Detector mode detrn Detector read noise dispers Dispersion level dispscal Detector pixel scale dmgain Set DM loop gain dmmrfn Name of DM reconstructor file docal QACITS run calibrations sequence domeposn dome azimuth domestat dome status domestst DCS Dome status string doopt QACITS run optimization sequence dopsf QACITS take off-axis PSF image dosci QACITS tun QACITS science sequence dpixskyx [pix] QACITS X offset for sky frames dpixskyy [pix] QACITS Y offset for sky frames dpixx [pix] QACITS X offset for off-axis PSF dpixy [pix] QACITS Y offset for off-axis PSF dqa_date Date of DQA run dqa_vers DQA version number dra differential right ascension rate dtclp OPEN/CLOSE TT CLMP ctrl loop dtgain Set TT loop gain dtrack differential tracking enabled dtsensor Select WFS or STRAP effitime Effective itme for reduced frame effwave effective wavelength of passband el telescope elevation elaptime copy of ITIME equinox telescope equinox esttype QACITS region of interest estimator type exposure User defined integration time expstart current instrument expstop Exposure stop str (UT) filehand Path to the file in the archive filename Original File name filepath File filter composite filter name (both wheel) firmware controller firmwa fitsdir Output data director flimagin Flat lamp control 1 flspectr Flat lamp control 2 focalstn focal station frameno Frame number frames Number of frames combined frmeno Image file running number fwiangl inner filter wheel's angular position from home fwiname inner filter wheel's named position fwinum Inner_Filter_Ordinal_Posn fwiraw inner filter wheel's encoder position fwistat inner filter wheel's current state fwoangl outer filter wheel's angular position fwoname outer filter wheel's named position fwonum Outer_Filter_Ordinal_Posn fworaw outer filter wheel's encoder position fwostat outer filter wheel's current state gain Detector Gain Setting gain20 gain for AD chan 20 gain21 gain for AD chan 21 gain22 gain for AD chan 22 gain23 gain for AD chan 23 gain24 gain for AD chan 24 gain25 gain for AD chan 25 gain26 gain for AD chan 26 gain27 gain for AD chan 27 gain28 gain for AD chan 28 gain29 gain for AD chan 29 gain30 gain for AD chan 30 gain31 gain for AD chan 31 gain32 gain for AD chan 32 gain33 gain for AD chan 33 gain34 gain for AD chan 34 gain35 gain for AD chan 35 gain38 gain for AD chan 38 gain39 gain for AD chan 39 gain40 gain for AD chan 40 gain41 gain for AD chan 41 gain42 gain for AD chan 42 gain43 gain for AD chan 43 gain44 gain for AD chan 44 gain45 gain for AD chan 45 gain46 gain for AD chan 46 gain47 gain for AD chan 47 gain48 gain for AD chan 48 gain49 gain for AD chan 49 gain50 gain for AD chan 50 gain51 gain for AD chan 51 gain52 gain for AD chan 52 gain53 gain for AD chan 53 gamin QACITS proportional factor for inner region grsdist grism slider's distance from home grsname grism slider's named position grsraw grism slider's encoder position grsstat grism slider's current state guidfwhm FWHM of NIRSPEC guide star guiding DCS Guiding status guidtime UT of logger GUIDFWHM value guidwave guidestar wavelength ha telescope hour angle hdrshift number of HDR right-shift bits headver Header config version imagemd Imaging pixels imagemn Imaging pixels imagesd Imaging pixels imagetyp ImageType imtype Image type innerrad [lambda/D] QACITS inner circle radius instangl porg to instrument angle instflip porg to instrument y flip instrume Instrument name inststat KOA instrument status isao Adaptive optics itime Integration time per coadd koaid Unique identifier for each file koaimtyp Image type - calibration or science frame kryptpwr Krypton lamp control lamppwr Spectral lamp control lev0type Type of file - Regular or Unprocessed (image cube) lgrmswf LGSAO RMS WF Residual lpdeband QACITS loop dead band lpgain QACITS loop proportional gain lpingain QACITS loop integral gain lpmaxint QACITS loop maximum integrator lpmxcorr QACITS loop maximum correction lpttlim [lambda/D] QACITS threshold for switching to sm lsamppwr Amp Power lsprop Laser Propagating lst local apparent sidereal time ltm1_1 ccd to image transformation ltm2_2 ccd to image transformation maxwave maximum wavelength of passband minwave minimum wavelength of passband mjd DCS Modified Julian day mjd_obs modified julian date of observation mlskycts Sky counts multisam Number of multiple reads mzp Adopted magnitude zero pointeger mzpalt Alternate magnitude zero pointeger mzpaltsr Source of the alternate zero pointeger mzpsrc Source of the adopted zero pointeger naxis Number of axes naxis1 Number of pixels in axis 1 naxis2 Number of pixels in axis 2 ncoadd Coadds completed neonpwr Neon lamp control nframe Video frames completed (RXV and (RXRV) nldptrad [lambda/D] QACITS null depth circle radius nlinear Number of pixels above linearity node Predefined not to the Eas (arcsec) nodn Predefined not to the North (arcsec) npixsat Number of saturated pixels nramp Ramps completed (UTR) nsci QACITS number of science frames in sequence nslice Datacube slices completed oa Observing assistant obamname Named position control for AFM obasname Name position control for AFS obfm1xra Raw value of FSM 1x-axis obfm1yra Raw value of FSM 1y-axis obfm2xra Raw value of FSM 2x-axis obfm2yra Raw demand value of FSM 2x-axis obfmdren FSM Coordinated move use dar or not obfmname Named position ontrol for FSM obfmxim Image plane x motion for FSM obfmxpu Pupil plane x motion for FSM obfmyim Image plane y motion for FSM obfmypu Pupil plane y motion for FSM obfsname Named position control for FSS obimname Named position control for ISM object Object name oblbname Named position control for LBS oblbx [mm] User-value-of-LBS-x-axis oblby [mm] User-value-of-LBS-y-axis obrt User value of ROT obrtname Named position control for ROT obsdname Named position control for SOD observer Observer obsfname Named position control for SFP obsfx User value of SFP x axis obsfy User value of SFP y axis obsfz User value of SFP z axis obsi User value of SFD obsnname Named position control for SND obswname Named position control for SFW obswsta White light power status obtsname Named position control for TSS obtsx User value of TSS x axis obtsy User value of TSS y axis obtsz User value of TSS z axis obwcname Named position control for WCS obwf User value of FCS obwfname Named position control for FCS obwfstst State of FCS as string obwlname Named position control for WLS obwnname Named position control for WND obwpname Named position control for WPS offpsff Latest off-axis PSF image offset20 offset for AD chan 20 offset21 offset for AD chan 21 offset22 offset for AD chan 22 offset23 offset for AD chan 23 offset24 offset for AD chan 24 offset25 offset for AD chan 25 offset26 offset for AD chan 26 offset27 offset for AD chan 27 offset28 offset for AD chan 28 offset29 offset for AD chan 29 offset30 offset for AD chan 30 offset31 offset for AD chan 31 offset32 offset for AD chan 32 offset33 offset for AD chan 33 offset34 offset for AD chan 34 offset35 offset for AD chan 35 offset38 offset for AD chan 38 offset39 offset for AD chan 39 offset40 offset for AD chan 40 offset41 offset for AD chan 41 offset42 offset for AD chan 42 offset43 offset for AD chan 43 offset44 offset for AD chan 44 offset45 offset for AD chan 45 offset46 offset for AD chan 46 offset47 offset for AD chan 47 offset48 offset for AD chan 48 offset49 offset for AD chan 49 offset50 offset for AD chan 50 offset51 offset for AD chan 51 offset52 offset for AD chan 52 offset53 offset for AD chan 53 ofname Original filename opstbmin QACITS minimum number of low tip-tilt variation optnmax QACITS maximum number of optimization iteration opttmdmx QACITS maximum tip-tilt modulus for stable regi outdir Original directory pa [deg] DCS Rotator position angle parang parallactic angle astrometric parantel parallactic angle telescope pcx [V] Centroid stage X pcxena Centroid stage X enable pcy [V] Centroid stage Y pcyena Centroid stage Y enable pcz [V] Centroid stage Z pczena Centroid stage Z enable pixscal1 Pixel scale of the horizontal pixscal2 Pixel scale of the vertical platescl Platescale in arcsec/pixel pmampx [V] PWS modulator amplitude X pmampy [V] PWS modulator amplitude Y pmcf1bp PWS FSM1 bypass pmcf1np PWS FSM1 named position pmcf1rx [mm] PWS FSM1 relative postion X pmcf1ry [mm] PWS FSM1 relative postion Y pmcf1st PWS FSM2 status pmcf1x [mm] PWS FSM1 postion X pmcf1xns PWS FSM1 negative limit set X pmcf1xps PWS FSM1 positive limit set X pmcf1y [mm] PWS FSM1 postion Y pmcf1yns PWS FSM1 negative limit set Y pmcf1yps PWS FSM1 positive limit set Y pmcf2bp PWS FSM2 bypass pmcf2np PWS FSM2 named position pmcf2rx [mm] PWS FSM2 relative postion X pmcf2ry [mm] PWS FSM2 relative postion Y pmcf2st PWS FSM2 status pmcf2x [mm] PWS FSM2 postion X pmcf2xns PWS FSM2 negative limit set X pmcf2xps PWS FSM2 positive limit set X pmcf2y [mm] PWS FSM2 postion Y pmcf2yns PWS FSM2 negative limit set Y pmcf2yps PWS FSM2 positive limit set Y pmcfoc [mm] PWS focus pmoffx [V] PWS modulator offset X pmoffy [V] PWS modulator offset Y pmrangl pupil drive's angular position pmsangl pupil wheel's angular position pmsname pupil wheel's named position pmsraw pupil wheel's encoder position pmsstat pupil Wheels current state pmstat PWS modulator status poname pointegering origin name poname1 pointegering origin name 1 poname2 pointegering origin name 2 poname3 pointegering origin name 3 poxpos pointegering origin xposition poxpos1 pointegering origin xposition 1 poxpos2 pointegering origin xposition 2 poxpos3 pointegering origin xposition 3 poypos pointegering origin yposition poypos1 pointegering origin yposition 1 poypos2 pointegering origin yposition 2 poypos3 pointegering origin yposition 3 prcom PWS common prdmlpg Set PWS DM loop gain prdtlpg Set PWS DT loop gain prensync Enable Sync MGAOS PRTC prfreq PWS frequency prhmag PWS H maginitude estimate prmod PWS modulation prmode PWS SH mode progid WMKO ID for observing program proginst Program institution progname Program name progpi Program principal investigator progtitl Program title - concatination of PROGTL1 propint Proprietary period in months prsfault PWS SAPHIRA fault prssetup PWS SAPHIRA setup psidist Inner preslit's distance from home psiname Inner preslit's named position psiraw Inner preslit's encoder position psistat Inner preslit current state psodist Outer preslit's distance from home psoname Outer preslit's named position psoraw Outer preslit's encoder position psostat Outer preslit current state ptchdis Lakeshore ColdHead disable ptchnam Lakeshore ColdHead name ptchtmp [deg K] Lakeshore ColdHead Temp ptfpdis Lakeshore FocalPlane disable ptfpnam Lakeshore FocalPlane name ptfptmp [deg K] Lakeshore FocalPlane Temp ptisdis Lakeshore InnerSanctum disable ptisnam Lakeshore InnerSanctum name ptistmp [deg K] Lakeshore InnerSanctum Temp ptrsdis Lakeshore RadiationShield disable ptrsnam Lakeshore RadiationShield name ptrstmp [deg K] Lakeshore RadiationShield Temp q1offset Aladdin Quadrant 1 preamp offset q2offset Aladdin Quadrant 2 preamp offset q3offset Aladdin Quadrant 3 preamp offset q4offset Aladdin Quadrant 4 preamp offset qawfs WFS used for QACITS qoffline Run QACITS offline quadwdth [lambda/D] QACITS quadrant width ra RA in decimal degrees rabase DCS RA base radecsys The system of the coordinates ramps Number of ramps (UTR mode only) raoff right ascension offset reads Number of reads rev git hash or revision of ACF rootname File prefix rotbase [deg] DCS Rotator base rotcalan rotator calibration angle rotcoe Pupil mask rotator elevation dest coeff rotcor Pupil mask rotator dest coeff rotdest rotator user destination rotdets1 DCS Rotator time stamp 1 rotdets2 DCS Rotator time stamp 2 rotmode rotator tracking mode rotpdest rotator physical destination rotposn rotator user position rotpposn rotator physical position rotpriod Pupil mask rotato servo period rotrefan rotator reference angle rotsel DCS Selected rotator rotservo Pupil mask rotator servo start cmd rotstst DCS Rotator state string rottrack Pupil mask rotator tracking command rotup Pupil mask rotator task running flag rotuseel Pupil mask rotator use elevation rotzero rotator-zero-angle samples Number of samples sampmode 1=Single; 2=CDS; 3=MCDS samprate Pixel rate in kps secfocus secondary mirror focus raw secstst DCS Secondary status string secthetx secondary mirror thetax secthety secondary mirror thetay semester Semester semid SEMESTER and PROGID shrdist Shutter's distance from home shrname Shutter's named position shrraw shutter's encoder position shrstat Shutter State sig2nois Signal to noise estimage near image spectral center simple Tape is in Fits format skyoptf Latest sky frame for optimization sequence skypsff Latest sky frame for off-axis PSF image skyscif Latest sky frame for science sequence slitlen Slit length projected on sky slitmm Slit position slitname Selected Slit Name slittilt Tilt_of_slit_in_image slitwidt Slit width projected on sky slmdist slit mask's distance from home slmname slit mask's named position slmraw slit mask's encoder position slmstat slit mask's current state slsdist slit slide's distance from home slsname slit slide's named position slsraw slit slide's encoder position slsstat slit sliter's current state spatscal CCD pixel scale specres Nominal spectral resolution spt_ind Spatial Index stapdqmn strAP Quad Mean APD counts subcoptx [pix] QACITS X size of subarray for optimizatio
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