PyKOA: KCWI Columns
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Column Name
adcgains GAINn in Archon config file airmass Air mass (1.41) amp1ch Archon tap channel for ampId1 amp1ga Archon tap gain for ampId1 amp1nm ampId1 name (TAPLINE0) amp1of Archon tap offset for ampId1 amp3ch Archon tap channel for ampId3 amp3ga Archon tap gain for ampId3 amp3nm ampId3 name (TAPLINE1) amp3of Archon tap offset for ampId3 ampid1 amp Id number ampid2 amp Id number ampid3 amp Id number ampid4 amp Id number ampmnum number of detector readout mode ampmode name of detector readout mode ampname1 amp name ampname2 amp name ampname3 amp name ampname4 amp name asec1 IRAF AMPSEC [CCDpix] asec2 IRAF AMPSEC [CCDpix] asec3 IRAF AMPSEC [CCDpix] asec4 IRAF AMPSEC [CCDpix] autactiv DCS Guider active autfwhm DCS Guider fwhm autoshut automatic shutter operation autxcent DCS Guider x centroid autycent DCS Guider y centroid az DCS Azimuth balpha Blue grating incidence angle bartang Blue Articulation Stage Angle bartenc Blue Articulation Stage Encoder Value bbeta Blue grating diffraction angle bccdtmp Blue CCD Temperature bcntrl1 Blue Heater 1 Control Mode bcntrl2 Blue Heater 2 Control Mode bcwave Blue Central Wavelength bfiltnam Blue Filter name bfiltnum Blue Filter number (0-5) bfocenc Blue Focus Stage Encoder Value bfochm Blue Focus Stage Homed? 0-no bfocmm Blue Focus Stage Position in mm bfpname Blue Filter pusher position name bfppos Blue Filter pusher position num (0-2) bftname Blue Filter transfer position name bftpos Blue Filter transfer position num (0-1) bgpname Blue Grating pusher position name bgppos Blue Grating pusher position num (0-2) bgpress Blue Pressure Gauge Pressure bgrangle Blue Grating Angle bgratnam Blue Grating name bgratnum Blue Grating number (0-5) bgrenc Blue Grating rotator encoder position (counts) bgrotnam Blue Grating rotator position name bgrotnum Blue Grating rotator position num (0-2) bgtname Blue Grating transfer position name bgtpos Blue Grating transfer position num (0-1) bhtr1st Blue Heater 1 Status bhtr2st Blue Heater 2 Status biasfn Bias filename binfac1 [CCDpix/FITSpix] bin factor binfac2 [CCDpix/FITSpix] bin factor binning binning: serial/axis1 binput1 Blue Heater 1 Input Sensor binput2 Blue Heater 2 Input Sensor bitpix number of bits per data pixel bmxcurm1 Blue Heater 1 Max Current Mode bmxcurm2 Blue Heater 2 Max Current Mode bnasenc Blue NandS Mask Stage Encoder Value bnasnam Blue NandS Mask Stage Position Name bpupen1 Blue Heater 1 Power-up Enabled? bpupen2 Blue Heater 2 Power-up Enabled? bpwave Blue Peak Wavelength (Ang) brange1 Blue Heater 1 Power Range (0-Off brange2 Blue Heater 2 Power Range (0-Off bresist1 Blue Heater 1 Resistance (1-25 bresist2 Blue Heater 2 Resistance (1-25 bscale default scaling factor bsec1 IRAF BIASSEC [FITSpix] bsec2 IRAF BIASSEC [FITSpix] bsec3 IRAF BIASSEC [FITSpix] bsec4 IRAF BIASSEC [FITSpix] btmphtp1 Blue Heater 1 Output btmphtp2 Blue Heater 2 Output btrgtmp1 Blue Heater 2 setpoint btrgtmp2 Blue Heater 2 setpoint bvcurr Blue Vac-Ion Current bvhvon Blue Vac-Ion HV on? 0-no bvpress Blue Vac-Ion Pressure bvvolt Blue Vac-Ion Voltage bzero offset data range to that of unsigned short calhang CAL Hex Pupil angle calhnam CAL Hex Pupil position name calhpos CAL Hex Pupil position number (0-3) calhspd CAL Hex Pupil rotation speed calhstat CAL Hex Pupil status (Moving callang CAL Linear Polarizer angle callenc CAL Linear Polarizer encoder position (counts) callnam CAL Linear Polarizer position name callpos CAL Linear Polarizer position number (0-4) calmenc CAL Mirror encoder position (counts) calmnam CAL Mirror position name calmoff CAL Mirror offset calmpos CAL Mirror position number (0-2) calmzero CAL Mirror zero calpenc CAL Pupil encoder position (counts) calpnam CAL Pupil Lens position name calppos CAL Pupil Lens position number (0-2) caltype Type of image according to CAL server calxenc CAL X encoder position (counts) calxnam CAL X axis position calxoff CAL X offset calxpos CAL X axis position number (0-13) calxzero CAL X zero calyenc CAL Y encoder position (counts) calynam CAL Y axis position calyoff CAL Y offset calypos CAL Y axis position number (0-13) calyzero CAL Y zero camera Camera chip: FPC for imaging (KF) camip Camera IP number cammodel Camera model camsn Camera serial number camtemp Camera temperature ccdcfg CCD configuration ccdgain gain ccdgain1 Gain LL ccdgain2 Gain LR ccdgain3 Gain UL ccdgain4 Gain UR ccdmode CCD speed mode (slow-0 fast-1) ccdspeed CCD readout speed ccdsum IRAF ccdsum cd1_1 WCS coordinate transformation matrix cd1_1a ampId1 WCS A CTM1_1 from pix to iWC cd1_1b ampId1 WCS B CTM1_1 from pix to iWC cd1_1c ampId3 WCS C CTM1_1 from pix to iWC cd1_1d ampId3 WCS D CTM1_1 from pix to iWC cd1_2 WCS coordinate transformation matrix cd1_2a ampId1 WCS A CTM1_2 from pix to iWC cd1_2b ampId1 WCS B CTM1_2 from pix to iWC cd1_2c ampId3 WCS C CTM1_2 from pix to iWC cd1_2d ampId3 WCS D CTM1_2 from pix to iWC cd2_1 WCS coordinate transformation matrix cd2_1a ampId1 WCS A CTM2_1 from pix to iWC cd2_1b ampId1 WCS B CTM2_1 from pix to iWC cd2_1c ampId3 WCS C CTM2_1 from pix to iWC cd2_1d ampId3 WCS D CTM2_1 from pix to iWC cd2_2 WCS coordinate transformation matrix cd2_2a ampId1 WCS A CTM2_2 from pix to iWC cd2_2b ampId1 WCS B CTM2_2 from pix to iWC cd2_2c ampId3 WCS C CTM2_2 from pix to iWC cd2_2d ampId3 WCS D CTM2_2 from pix to iWC cdec DCS Dec cdsspeed $SPEEDn in Archon config file chanmode KCWI channels in use checksum HDU checksum updated 2016-10-13T20:33:41 cra DCS RA crder1a ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS A coord random error crder1b ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS B coord random error crder1c ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS C coord random error crder1d ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS D coord random error crder2a ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS A coord random error crder2b ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS B coord random error crder2c ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS C coord random error crder2d ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS D coord random error crpix1 Reference pixel crpix1a ampId1 axis1 WCS A reference pixel crpix1b ampId1 axis1 WCS B reference pixel crpix1c ampId3 axis1 WCS C reference pixel crpix1d ampId3 axis1 WCS D reference pixel crpix2 Reference pixel crpix2a ampId1 axis2 WCS A reference pixel crpix2b ampId1 axis2 WCS B reference pixel crpix2c ampId3 axis2 WCS C reference pixel crpix2d ampId3 axis2 WCS D reference pixel crval1 Reference pixel value crval1a ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS A coord value @ refpix crval1b ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS B coord value @ refpix crval1c ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS C coord value @ refpix crval1d ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS D coord value @ refpix crval2 Reference pixel value crval2a ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS A coord value @ refpix crval2b ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS B coord value @ refpix crval2c ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS C coord value @ refpix crval2d ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS D coord value @ refpix csec1 IRAF CCDSEC [CCDpix] csec2 IRAF CCDSEC [CCDpix] csec3 IRAF CCDSEC [CCDpix] csec4 IRAF CCDSEC [CCDpix] csyer1a ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS A coord systematic error csyer1b ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS B coord systematic error csyer1c ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS C coord systematic error csyer1d ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS D coord systematic error csyer2a ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS A coord systematic error csyer2b ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS B coord systematic error csyer2c ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS C coord systematic error csyer2d ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS D coord systematic error ctype1 Coordinate type and projection (RA) ctype1a ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS A coord/proj type ctype1b ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS B coord/proj type ctype1c ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS C coord/proj type ctype1d ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS D coord/proj type ctype2 Coordinate type and projection (DEC) ctype2a ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS A coord/proj type ctype2b ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS B coord/proj type ctype2c ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS C coord/proj type ctype2d ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS D coord/proj type cunit1a ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS A physical unit cunit1b ampId1 iWaxis1 WCS B physical unit cunit1c ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS C physical unit cunit1d ampId3 iWaxis1 WCS D physical unit cunit2a ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS A physical unit cunit2b ampId1 iWaxis2 WCS B physical unit cunit2c ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS C physical unit cunit2d ampId3 iWaxis2 WCS D physical unit currinst Current instrument datasum data unit checksum updated 2016-10-13T20:33:41 date_beg exposure begin date_end exposure end date_obs Universal date of observation date_ut file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) dateeend [UT] end specialErase/flush/purge dateeras [UT] begin specialErase/flush/purge datepclr most recent erase dateread [UT] readout begin daterend readout end datlevel Data reduction level ddec DCS Diff Dec rate dec Declination in decimal degrees decbase DCS Dec base decoff DCS Dec offset dispscal CCD pixel scale domeposn Dome azimuth domestst DCS Dome status string dqa_date Date of DQA run dqa_vers DQA version number dra DCS Diff RA rate dsec1 IRAF DATASEC [FITSpix] dsec2 IRAF DATASEC [FITSpix] dsec3 IRAF DATASEC [FITSpix] dsec4 IRAF DATASEC [FITSpix] el DCS Elevation elaptime Exposure time from XPOSURE equinox Telescope equinox exptime Exposure time extend FITS dataset may contain extensions filehand Path to the file in the archive filename Filename flimagin Flat lamp control 1 flspectr Flat lamp control 2 framemod Archon FRAMEMODE for this readout frameno frame number gain1 gain (e-/DN) for amp 0 gain2 gain (e-/DN) for amp 1 gain3 gain (e-/DN) for amp 2 gain4 gain (e-/DN) for amp 3 gainmode CCD gain mode (low-0/high-1) gainmul gain multiplier (1 groupid Group association ID guidfwhm FWHM of guide star guiding DCS Guiding status guidtime UT of GUIDFWHM value h_left parameter H_LEFT for this readout h_right parameter H_RIGHT for this readout h_split parameter H_SPLIT for this readout ha Telescope hour angle hatnum Instrument hatch position number (0 hatord Instrument hatch position number (0 hatpos Instrument hatch position name hbin2 parameter HBIN2 for this readout heart_01 dcs2.UTC heart_02 kbds.UPTIME heart_03 kbes.UPTIME heart_04 kbgs.UPTIME heart_05 kbms.UPTIME heart_06 kbvs.UPTIME heart_07 kcas.UPTIME heart_08 kcwi.GSUPTIME heart_09 kp1s.UPTIME heart_10 kp2s.UPTIME heart_11 kp3s.UPTIME heart_12 kt1s.UPTIME heart_13 kt2s.UPTIME heart_14 krms.UPTIME heart_15 kros.UPTIME heart_16 krvs.UPTIME heart_17 kt1s.UPTIME heart_18 kt2s.UPTIME heateri Archon heater system supply current heaterv Archon heater system supply voltage htrad Archon heater A derivative term htrai Archon heater A integral term htrap Archon heater A proportional term htratarg [deg C] Archon heater A target temp htravolt Archon heater A voltage htrbd Archon heater B derivative term htrbi Archon heater B integral term htrbp Archon heater B proportional term htrbtarg [deg C] Archon heater B target temp htrbvolt Archon heater B voltage idleclok idle clocking ifuenc IFU encoder position (counts) ifunam IFU position name ifunum IFU position number (0-5) ifuoff IFU position offset ifuzero IFU position zero imagemd Imaging mean imagemn Imaging median imagesd Imaging standard deviation imcpix1 [CCDpix] detector image pixels imcpix2 [CCDpix] detector image pixels imgnum Image number imocpix1 [CCDpix] image mixed with overscan pixels imocpix2 [CCDpix] image mixed with overscan pixels impcpix1 [CCDpix] image mixed with prescan pixels impcpix2 [CCDpix] image mixed with prescan pixels imtype Image type inseq Number in sequence instrume Instrument name intgain intrinsic gain intintvl [10 ns] parameter INT_INTRVL for this readout intspeed CCD integrator speed koaid Unique identifier for each file koaimtyp KOA image type linecnt [FITSpix] Archon LINECOUNT for this readout lmp0nam CAL Lamp 0 name lmp0ont CAL Lamp 0 ON duration (s) lmp0shst CAL Lamp 0 shutter (0-closed lmp0stat CAL Lamp 0 status (0-off lmp1nam CAL Lamp 1 name lmp1ont CAL Lamp 1 ON duration (s) lmp1shst CAL Lamp 1 shutter (0-closed lmp1stat CAL Lamp 1 status (0-off lmp2nam CAL Lamp 2 name lmp2ont CAL Lamp 2 ON duration (s) lmp2shst CAL Lamp 2 shutter (0-closed lmp2stat CAL Lamp 2 status (0-off lmp3nam CAL Lamp 3 name lmp3ont CAL Lamp 3 ON duration (s) lmp3stat CAL Lamp 3 status (0-off lst DCS Local sidereal time m5clamp1 [V] MOD5/CLAMP1 for this readout m5clamp2 [V] MOD5/CLAMP2 for this readout m5clamp3 [V] MOD5/CLAMP3 for this readout m5clamp4 [V] MOD5/CLAMP4 for this readout m5pagain MOD5/PREAMPGAIN for this readout miofpix1 [FITSpix] mixed image+overscan pixels miofpix2 [FITSpix] mixed image+overscan pixels mjd DCS Modified Julian day mpifpix1 [FITSpix] mixed prescan+image pixels mpifpix2 [FITSpix] mixed prescan+image pixels nampsxy active video inputs along axis1 axis2 naxis number of data axes naxis1 length of data axis 1 naxis2 length of data axis 2 npixsat Number of saturated pixels nshfdn number of shuffle downs nshfup number of shuffle ups numclos number of shutter closes numopen number of shutter opens nvidinp number of active video inputs oa Observing assistant object Object name observer Observer name ofname original file name omicpix1 [CCDpix] overscan mixed with image pixels omicpix2 [CCDpix] overscan mixed with image pixels outdir data outfile filename prefix parang DCS Parallactic angle (deg) parantel Parallactic angle telescope pimcpix1 [CCDpix] pure image pixels pimcpix2 [CCDpix] pure image pixels pimfpix1 [FITSpix] pure image pixels pimfpix2 [FITSpix] pure image pixels pixelcnt [FITSpix] Archon PIXELCOUNT for this readout pmicpix1 [CCDpix] prescan mixed with image pixels pmicpix2 [CCDpix] prescan mixed with image pixels poname DCS Point origin name poscpix1 [CCDpix] pure overscan pixels poscpix2 [CCDpix] pure overscan pixels posfpix1 [FITSpix] pure overscan pixels posfpix2 [FITSpix] pure overscan pixels ppreclr parallel pre-clear (erase) ppscpix1 [CCDpix] pure prescan pixels ppscpix2 [CCDpix] pure prescan pixels ppsfpix1 [FITSpix] pure prescan pixels ppsfpix2 [FITSpix] pure prescan pixels progid WMKO program ID proginst Program Institution progname WMKO program ID progpi Program PI progtitl Program title propint Proprietary period pscpix1 [CCDpix] detector prescan pixels pscpix2 [CCDpix] detector prescan pixels purgrows parameter PURGE_ROWS for this readout pwnamea1 Power Bank A pwnamea2 Power Bank A pwnamea3 Power Bank A pwnamea4 Power Bank A pwnamea5 Power Bank A pwnamea6 Power Bank A pwnamea7 Power Bank A pwnamea8 Power Bank A pwnameb1 Power Bank B pwnameb2 Power Bank B pwnameb3 Power Bank B pwnameb4 Power Bank B pwnameb5 Power Bank B pwnameb6 Power Bank B pwnameb7 Power Bank B pwnameb8 Power Bank B pwnamec1 Power Bank C pwnamec2 Power Bank C pwnamec3 Power Bank C pwnamec4 Power Bank C pwnamec5 Power Bank C pwnamec6 Power Bank C pwnamec7 Power Bank C pwnamec8 Power Bank C pwstata1 Power Bank A pwstata2 Power Bank A pwstata3 Power Bank A pwstata4 Power Bank A pwstata5 Power Bank A pwstata6 Power Bank A pwstata7 Power Bank A pwstata8 Power Bank A pwstatb1 Power Bank B pwstatb2 Power Bank B pwstatb3 Power Bank B pwstatb4 Power Bank B pwstatb5 Power Bank B pwstatb6 Power Bank B pwstatb7 Power Bank B pwstatb8 Power Bank B pwstatc1 Power Bank C pwstatc2 Power Bank C pwstatc3 Power Bank C pwstatc4 Power Bank C pwstatc5 Power Bank C pwstatc6 Power Bank C pwstatc7 Power Bank C pwstatc8 Power Bank C ra RA in decimal degrees rabase DCS RA base radecsys WCS coordinate system ralpha Red grating incidence angle (deg) raoff DCS RA offset rartang Red Articulation Stage Angle (deg) rartenc Red Articulation Stage Encoder Value rbeta Red grating diffraction angle (deg) rccdtmp [deg C] Red CCD Temperature rccdtmpe [deg C] Red CCD Temperature rcntrl1 Red Heater 1 Control Mode rcntrl2 Red Heater 2 Control Mode rcwave Red Central Wavelength (Ang) rdnoise1 Read Noise LL rdnoise2 Read Noise LR rdnoise3 Read Noise UL rdnoise4 Read Noise UR rfocenc Red Focus Stage Encoder Value rfochm Red Focus Stage Homed? 0-no rfocmm Red Focus Stage Position in mm rgpname Red Grating pusher position name rgppos Red Grating pusher position num (0-3) rgpress Red Pressure Gauge Pressure (Torr) rgrangle Red Grating Angle (deg) rgratnam Red Grating name rgratnum Red Grating number (0-7) rgrenc Red Grating rotator encoder position (counts) rgrotnam Red Grating rotator position name rgrotnum Red Grating rotator position num (0-2) rhtr1st Red Heater 1 Status rhtr2st Red Heater 2 Status rinput1 Red Heater 1 Input Sensor rinput2 Red Heater 2 Input Sensor rmxcurm1 Red Heater 1 Max Current Mode rmxcurm2 Red Heater 2 Max Current Mode rnasenc Red NandS Mask Stage Encoder Value rnasnam Red NandS Mask Stage Position Name rotbase DCS Rotator base rotdest DCS Rotator user destination rotdets1 DCS Rotator time stamp 1 rotdets2 DCS Rotator time stamp 2 rotmode Rotator mode rotmods ROS Rotation Mode(s) rotoff DCS Rotator offset rotpdest DCS Rotator physical destination rotposn Rotator position rotpposn DCS Rotator user position rotrefan DCS Rotator reference angle (deg) rotsel DCS Selected rotator rotstst DCS Rotator state string rpkgtmp [deg C] Red CCD Pkg Temperature rpkgtmpe [deg C] Red CCD Pkg Temperature rpupen1 Red Heater 1 Power-up Enabled? rpupen2 Red Heater 2 Power-up Enabled?
Total Rows: