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Column Name
abfreq anti-blooming frequency airmass air mass airpress air pressure status amplist amplifier list ampmode amplifier mode amppsize amplifier size antiblm anti-blooming status autopane autopane window autoshut autoshutter axestat telescope tracking status az azimuth baybfan electronic bay B fan baycfan electronic bay C fan binning binning bitpix number of bits per pixel bscale default scaling factor bzero offset data range with data range of unsigned short calocal collimation local (azimuth) camera Will always be set to DEIMOS ccdgain gain ccdpsize pixel size ccdspeed readout speed ccdsum ccd on-chip summing cdec declination celocal collimation local (elevation) checksum HDU checksum coolfan cooling fan coolflow cooling flow cra right ascension currinst current instrument darktime Time between end of CCD erase sequence and beginning of CCD readout. The value that should be used for dark current correction. datasum data unit checksum date_beg beginning datetime of exposure date_end end datetime of exposure date_obs observing date date_ut file creation date datlevel Data reduction level (0 = raw) dcsstat drive control system status dcsvers drive control system version ddec differential tracking rate (dec) dec Declination in decimal degrees detcnfid mosaic detector configuration id detector detector detlsize detector size detsec01 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 1 DETSEC) detsec02 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 2 DETSEC) detsec03 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 3 DETSEC) detsec04 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 4 DETSEC) detsec05 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 5 DETSEC) detsec06 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 6 DETSEC) detsec07 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 7 DETSEC) detsec08 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 8 DETSEC) detsec09 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 9 DETSEC) detsec10 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 10 DETSEC) detsec11 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 11 DETSEC) detsec12 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 12 DETSEC) detsec13 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 13 DETSEC) detsec14 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 14 DETSEC) detsec15 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 15 DETSEC) detsec16 Mosaic detector section (from HDU 16 DETSEC) dispscal CCD pixel scale domeposn dome position domestat dome status dqa_date Date of processing for archiving dqa_vers Version of KOA processing software dra differential tracking rate (RA) dtrack differential tracking status dwfilcal Filter wheel calibration state dwfilfop Filter wheel fiducial light source dwfilmod Filter wheel control mode dwfilnam Filter name dwfilord Filter wheel ordinal position (conversion of DWFILRAW) dwfilraw Filter wheel raw position (stage encoder counts) dwfilsta Filter status dwfiltor Filter torque dwfiltrg Filter target dwfilval Filter wheel position (degrees) dwfoccal camera focus status dwfocfop camera focus fiducial status dwfocmod camera focus mode dwfocnam camera focus named position dwfocord camera focus ordinal position dwfocraw camera focus raw position dwfocsta camera focus status dwfoctor camera focus torque dwfoctrg camera focus target dwfocval camera focus value dwxl8cal camera translation stage status dwxl8fop camera translation stage fiducial status dwxl8mod camera translation stage mode dwxl8nam camera translation stage named position dwxl8ord camera translation stage ordinal position dwxl8raw camera translation stage raw position dwxl8sta camera translation stage status dwxl8tor camera translation stage torque dwxl8trg camera translation stage target dwxl8val camera translation stage value el elevation elaptime elapsed time equinox equinox erasecnt erase count erasline erase line exptime exposure time extend FITS extensions fcsccnox FCS crosscorrection conflicts (X-axis) fcsccnoy FCS crosscorrection conflicts (Y-axis) fcscusel FCS active CuAr lamp fcsexnox FCS excessive correction (X-axis) fcsexnoy FCS excessive correction (Y-axis) fcsimgfi FCS image file fcskoaid KOAID of associated Flexure Compensation System file fcsmode FCS mode fcsreffi FCS reference image fcsrmsx1 FCS crosscorrection RMS (X-axis fcsrmsx2 FCS crosscorrection RMS (X-axis fcsrmsxd FCS correction difference (X-axis) fcsrmsxm FCS correction mean (X-axis) fcsrmsy1 FCS crosscorrection RMS (Y-axis fcsrmsy2 FCS crosscorrection RMS (Y-axis fcsrmsyd FCS correction difference (Y-axis) fcsrmsym FCS correction mean (Y-axis) fcsskips FCS skip counter value fcstrack FCS tracking status filehand Path to the file in the archive filter Filter name (copied from DWFILNAM) flamp3 flatlamp 3 flamp4 flatlamp 4 flamp5 flatlamp 5 flamp6 flatlamp 6 flamps imaging flatlamp flimagin spectroscopy flatlamp flspectr focal station focalstn Telescope focal station focusdif focus difference focusmod focus mode focusoff focus offset focusraw focus raw encoder position focustof focus target offset focustrg focus target focustus focus target user offset focususr focus user value focusval focus value frame reference frame frameno frame number g3tltcal grating 3 tilt status g3tltenc grating 3 tilt encoder g3tltfop grating 3 tilt fiducial g3tltmod grating 3 tilt mode g3tltnam grating 3 tilt named position g3tltnom grating 3 tilt nominal position g3tltoff grating 3 tilt offset g3tltord grating 3 tilt ordinal position g3tltraw grating 3 tilt raw position g3tltsta grating 3 tilt status g3tlttor grating 3 tilt torque g3tlttrg grating 3 tilt target g3tltval grating 3 tilt value g3tltwav grating 3 tilt wavelength g4tltcal grating 4 tilt status g4tltenc grating 4 tilt encoder g4tltfop grating 4 tilt fiducial g4tltmod grating 4 tilt mode g4tltnam grating 4 tilt named position g4tltnom grating 4 tilt nominal position g4tltoff grating 4 tilt offset g4tltord grating 4 tilt ordinal position g4tltraw grating 4 tilt raw position g4tltsta grating 4 tilt status g4tlttor grating 4 tilt torque g4tlttrg grating 4 tilt target g4tltval grating 4 tilt value g4tltwav grating 4 tilt wavelength gclp1pos grating clamp 1 position gclp1trg grating clamp 1 target gclp2pos grating clamp 2 position gclp2trg grating clamp 2 target gclp4pos grating clamp 4 position gclp4trg grating clamp 4 target gclp5pos grating clamp 5 position gclp5trg grating clamp 5 target gratefop grating fiducial gratenam grating name gratepin grating pin gratepos grating position gratesta grating status gratetrg grating target grselcal grating selector status grselfop grating selector fiducial grselmod grating selector mode grselnam grating selector named position grselord grating selector ordinal position grselraw grating selector raw position grselsta grating selector status grseltor grating selector torque grseltrg grating selector target guidfwhm FWHM of guide star guidtime UT of GUIDFWHM value ha hour angle hatchpos hatch position hatchtrg hatch target hplogtim datetime stamp of last datalogger scan imtype image type instangl instrument angle instflip instrument flip instrume intrument ionpump1 ion pump 1 status ionpump2 ion pump 2 status keepprep keep prescan pixels koaid Unique identifier for each file koaimtyp Type of observation: 'object' for science files lamps arclamp status latitude latitude lst local sidereal time mjd Numeric version of MJD-OBS mjd_obs MJD of observation mosmode multi-object mode naxis naxis nexten Number of image extensions (HDUs) npixsat Number of pixels above saturation in mosaic nsubint number of sub integrations nvidinp number of video inputs oa Observing assistant object object observer observer obsmode Observation mode of this FITS file (longslit obstype observation type ofname Original filename at the telescope outdir data output directory outfile output file ovrflush postscan flush lines pane pane pane1 pane 1 pane10 pane 10 pane11 pane 11 pane12 pane 12 pane13 pane 13 pane14 pane 14 pane15 pane 15 pane16 pane 16 pane2 pane 2 pane3 pane 3 pane4 pane 4 pane5 pane 5 pane6 pane 6 pane7 pane 7 pane8 pane 8 pane9 pane 9 panefits FITS pane panelist pane list panerror pane error parang parallactic angle parantel parallactic angle of telescope pmfm primary mirror focus mode poname pointing origin name poname1 pointing origin name 1 poname2 pointing origin name 2 poname3 pointing origin name 3 poname4 pointing origin name 4 poname5 pointing origin name 5 poname6 pointing origin name 6 poname7 pointing origin name 7 poname8 pointing origin name 8 poname9 pointing origin name 9 postline postflush line postpix postpixels poxoff pointing origin x offset poxpos pointing origin x position poxpos1 pointing origin x position 1 poxpos2 pointing origin x position 2 poxpos3 pointing origin x position 3 poxpos4 pointing origin x position 4 poxpos5 pointing origin x position 5 poxpos6 pointing origin x position 6 poxpos7 pointing origin x position 7 poxpos8 pointing origin x position 8 poxpos9 pointing origin x position 9 poyoff pointing origin y offset poypos pointing origin y position poypos1 pointing origin y position 1 poypos2 pointing origin y position 2 poypos3 pointing origin y position 3 poypos4 pointing origin y position 4 poypos5 pointing origin y position 5 poypos6 pointing origin y position 6 poypos7 pointing origin y position 7 poypos8 pointing origin y position 8 poypos9 pointing origin y position 9 precol number of unbinned prescan pixels per amplifier preflush number of prescan lines to flush preline number of prescan lines prerow number of prescan rows progid WMKO assigned program identification code proginst Program institution progname Observer assigned program ID progpi Program principal investigator progtitl Program title propint Proprietary period ra RA in decimal degrees rota1gof rotator 1 gap offset rota1iof rotator 1 index offset rota1qof rotator 1 quality offset rota1tof rotator 1 total offset rota2gof rotator 2 gap offset rota2iof rotator 2 index offset rota2qof rotator 2 quality offset rota2tof rotator 2 total offset rotatalg rotator algorithm rotatcal rotator calibration status rotatcmt rotator comment rotatdcs rotator DCS control permission rotatfop rotator fiducial rotatmod rotator mode rotatnam rotator named position rotatord rotator ordinal position rotatsta rotator status rotatstq rotator smoothed torque rotattor rotator torque rotattrk rotator tracking rotatttk rotator time tracking rotattva rotator value target rotatval rotator value rotatvel rotator velocity rotbase rotator base value rotdest rotator destination rotercnt rotator error count roterrs rotator error status rotmode rotator mode rotoff rotator offset rotpdest rotator physical destination rotpdsts rotator physical destination slow rotposn rotator user position rotpposn rotator physical position rotrefan rotator reference angle rotsel rotator selected rotsrver rotator servo error rotstst rotator status rotzero rotator zero point rowshft row shift for subintegration secfocus secondary focus secthetx secondary angle X secthety secondary angle Y semester WMKO observing schedule semester semid SEMESTER and PROGID shblcltm shutter blade closing time shbloptm shutter blade opening time shclocnt shutter closing count shlatclo shutter closure latency shlatopn shutter opening latency shopncnt shutter opening count simple simple simulate simulation mode slarmpos slitmask arm position slarmtrg slitmask arm target slmskbar slitmask barcode slmskcas slitmask calibration status slmskfoo slitmask foot state slmskfop slitmask fiducial slmskloc slitmask location slmskmal slitmask misaligned slmsknam slitmask name slmskpos slitmask position slmsksta slitmask status slmsktrg slitmask target slselcal slitmask selector calibration status slselfop slitmask selector fiducial slselmod slitmask selector mode slselnam slitmask selector named position slselord slitmask selector ordinal position slselraw slitmask selector raw position slselsta slitmask selector status slseltor slitmask selector torque slseltrg slitmask selector target spatscal CCD pixel scale specres Nominal spectral resolution spt_ind Spatial Index st sidereal time targdec target declination targepoc target epoch targequi target equinox targfram target frame targname target name targplax target parallax targpmdc target proper motion dec targpmra target proper motion RA targra target RA targradv target radial velocity tbar1val temperature sensor 1 tbar2val temperature sensor 2 tbar3val temperature sensor 3 tbar4val temperature sensor 4 tbar5val temperature sensor 5 tbar6val temperature sensor 6 tbar7val temperature sensor 7 tbar8val temperature sensor 8 tcam1val camera temperature sensor 1 tcam2val camera temperature sensor 2 tcam3val camera temperature sensor 3 tcam4val camera temperature sensor 4 tcam5val camera temperature sensor 5 tcam6val camera temperature sensor 6 tcam7val camera temperature sensor 7 tcam8val camera temperature sensor 8 tdis1val driver disk temperature sensor 1 tdis2val driver disk temperature sensor 2 tdis3val driver disk temperature sensor 3 tdis4val driver disk temperature sensor 4 tdis5val driver disk temperature sensor 5 tdis6val driver disk temperature sensor 6 tdis7val driver disk temperature sensor 7 tdis8val driver disk temperature sensor 8 telescop telescope telfocus telescope focus tempdet detector temperature tempset detector temperature setpoint tgra1val grating temperature sensor 1 tgra2val grating temperature sensor 2 tgra3val grating temperature sensor 3 tmirrnam tent mirror named position tmirrord tent mirror ordinal position tmirrraw tent mirror raw position tmirrtrg tent mirror target tmirrval tent mirror value tmpcinc coolant in temperature tmpcoolc coolant temperature tmpcoutc coolant out temperature tmptvcoc guider coolant temperature ttime exposure time tubetemp tube temperature tva2spow guider power status tvcampow guider camera power status tvcoflow guider coolant flow tvfilcal guider filter calibration status tvfilfop guider filter fiducial tvfilmod guider filter mode tvfilnam guider filter named position tvfilord guider filter ordinal position tvfilraw guider filter raw position tvfilsta guider filter status tvfiltor guider filter torque tvfiltrg guider filter target tvflip guider flip tvfoccal guider focus calibration status tvfocfop guider focus fiducial tvfocmod guider focus mode tvfocnam guider focus named position tvfocord guider focus ordinal position tvfocraw guider focus raw position tvfocsta guider focus status tvfoctor guider focus torque tvfoctrg guider focus target tvpowset guider power set tvs2fpow guider power ut UT time of observation utb15ven utility board 15V enabled utb30ven utility board 30V enabled utbm15v utility board -15V raw value utbp15v utility board +15V raw value utbp30v utility board +30V raw value utbp5v utility board +5V raw value utbtemp utility board temperature utc Coordinated universal time utc_end UTC end time utdatetime Combined DATE_OBS and UT as a timestamp vidoff1 video offset amplifier 1 vidoff10 video offset amplifier 10 vidoff11 video offset amplifier 11 vidoff12 video offset amplifier 12 vidoff13 video offset amplifier 13 vidoff14 video offset amplifier 14 vidoff15 video offset amplifier 15 vidoff16 video offset amplifier 16 vidoff2 video offset amplifier 2 vidoff3 video offset amplifier 3 vidoff4 video offset amplifier 4 vidoff5 video offset amplifier 5 vidoff6 video offset amplifier 6 vidoff7 video offset amplifier 7 vidoff8 video offset amplifier 8 vidoff9 video offset amplifier 9 waveblue Wavelength at blue end (angstroms) wavecntr Central wavelength (angstroms) wavered Wavelength at red end (angstroms) wxdomhum Dome humidity at WXTIME wxdomtmp Dome temperature at WXTIME wxdwpt Dewpoint at WXTIME wxouthum Outside humidity at WXTIME wxouttmp Outside temperature at WXTIME wxpress Pressure at WXTIME wxtime Time of weather measurements wxwndir Wind directionat WXTIME wxwndsp Wind speed at WXTIME x Spatial Coordinate X y Spatial Coordinate Y z Spatial Coordinate Z
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