NIRES Data Format

NIRES raw spectra and images are stored as Multi-Extension FITS files (MEF). Each MEF consists of:

[0]header and pixels

Extension [0] stores the actual CDS or MCS data and the header. The header includes instrument specific keywords and general telescope keywords. Spectra are saved as 2048x1024 pixels arrays; images are 1024x1024 pixels. For a description of the keywords in the NIRES headers, visit Both spectral and image headers are populated with the World Coordinate System (WCS) information, providing access to approximate orientation, handedness, and astrometry in the image data; the sky coordinates presented on the spectra are meaningless since the raw data show the wavelength dispersion of light through a small slit.

Extensions [1] and [2] are reserved for a variance image and a data quality image that have not yet been implemented.