DEIMOS Reduced Products Quicklook (Lev1) and Science Ready (Lev2)

DEIMOS raw data is processed via the DEIMOS DRP. When available, a Quicklook ("Lev1") and Science Ready ("Lev2") link is shown in the search results "Previews" column for individual KOAIDs. When downloading DEIMOS data, choose "Include extracted/calibrated data" to receive a script (curl and wget options) to download all the individual products. The products are of the form:

DEIMOS Reduced Product file types

File name formatFile typeDescription
Science Files
spec1d*.fitsFITSMulti-extension FITS tables of 1D arrays and metadata associated with extracted 1D spectra
spec1d*.txtTXTMetadata for 1D arrays
spec2d*.fitsFITSArrays related to source (e.g. sky-subtracted image)
Master Calibrations
MasterArc*.fitsFITSMaster arc frame
MasterBias*.fitsFITSMaster bias frame
MasterDark*.fitsFITSMaster dark frame
MasterEdges*.fitsFITSMain information describing the edges of each slit
MasterFlat*.fitsFITSData model for the master flat
MasterSlits*.fitsFITSMain information on the traced slit edges
MasterTilts*.fitsFITSData model for the master tilts
MasterTiltimg*.fitsFITSMaster tilt image
MasterWaveCalib*.fitsFITSData model for the master wavelength calibration
KOAID*.jpgIMGTrimmed and bias subtracted image of the FITS mosaic
Arc_1dfit*.pngIMGArc wavelength fit
Arc_tilts*.pngIMGSpatial offset from central trace
*_obj_prof.pngIMGApproximate spatial position of object on the slit
*_spec_flex_corr.pngIMGFlexure cross correlation
*_spec_flex_sky.pngIMGFlexure sky