HD: | HD number of the star |
name: | Name of the star in the catalog |
C5: | Pixel count of the star - the avarage of the 5 brightest pixels of the star. |
B: | Pixel count of the background - the midean value of the 1600 pixels around the star. |
x: | x coordinate of the star in the fits frame |
y: | y coordinate of the star in the fits frame |
az: | The azimuth of the star. |
alt: | The altitude of the star. |
type: | The type of the star (as specified in the catalog). |
V-mag: | The visual magnitude of the star. |
C-mag: | The ConCam specific computed magnitude. This value is determined by using concam specific filters and reflects the magnitude of the star as it should appears in ConCam images. |