Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 5:12 AM
Subject: K1 Nightlog for 04 Jul 05 (UT)


  k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1


 Id                 K1-04019
 Universal Date     07/04/05
 From               mreed
 Institution        KECK
 Instrument         HIRESb
 Observers          Tran
 CARA Staff         MR Thorkildsen McIlroy Sorenson
 Weather            Clear
 Seeing             0.55
 Snapshot           21631

 Opened (UT) 05:11	Temp:  out=  5.2   in=  4.9   mirror=  2.4   tube=  3.8 
 Closed (UT) 15:15	Temp:  out=  1.8   in=  3.7   mirror=  2.2   tube=  1.7 


 "Team Keck"
     Image size is from autofocs (x2)
    Hardware is telescope faults (including 1 during the probe impact = 
    Software is guider (0:01)
    Telescope overhead is darktime focus (x1 = 0:03), slews (0:14)
    Instrument overhead is setup, readout, everything else
    IQ test in morning twilight.

 Dark Time               08:55

 Integration Time
     Science             7:23
     Calibration         0:05

 Engineering Time        

 Time Lost To
     Software            0:01
     Hardware            0:04
     Inst inefficiency   1:05
     Tel inefficiency    0:17
 TOTAL TIME LOST         1:27

 ID                 K1-14424
 Universal Time     07/04/05 05:39:00
 From               mreed
 To                 mtsubota
 Impact             D-Lo
 Topic              guider error
 Keyword            Guider
 Time Lost          

    Tried to take cam image w/ 8s expsure.  Got following error:
    View stop response: CAM__GPIB_EUNDOC: Undocumented GPIB error
        pix, abs, shutter, nocentroid, normal, nonotify, notrack, active
        nodark, stats, nomove, nohires, noflexcomp, centbase, nocalib

 ID                 K1-14425
 Universal Time     07/04/05 05:52:00
 From               mreed
 To                 Hardware
 Impact             A-Crit
 Topic              Telescope Fault @ moment of impact
 Keyword            Axes
 Time Lost          0:01

    Telescope faulted (Az disabled) ~5 seconds before projected 
    impact of probe into comet Tempel 1.  Unbelievable!
    Time lost due to hardware.

 ID                 K1-14426
 Universal Time     07/04/05 05:53:00
 From               mreed
 To                 mtsubota
 Impact             A-Crit
 Topic              DCS not responding to guider
 Keyword            Guider
 Time Lost          0:01

    Back to comet after telescope fault.  Using GOTO to put comet on 
    slit.  Star didn't go.  Got "DCS is not responding" TK logger popup.  
    Tried again.  This time, guiding turned off when I clicked GOTO.  3nd 
    time OK.

 ID                 K1-14427
 Universal Time     07/04/05 12:41:00
 From               mreed
 To                 Hardware
 Impact             D-Lo
 Topic              Az fault #2
 Keyword            Axes
 Time Lost          0:03

    Az/El 90/50.  Had to init 3 times before it came back.  Time lost
    includes reacquisition.