README file prepared by Dr. Lucas Paganini Key Science Mission Support (KSMS) - Keck/NIRSPEC Search for Gaseous Plumes from Europa Version 1.0 (2020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the dataset: "A measurement of water vapour amid a largely quiescent environment on Europa" (Paganini et al. 2020) Reduction and flux calibration of data is described in the Methods section of Paganini et al. (2020). Example of folder structure and description of 2016 data (2016KOA): feb03 Date. kl2 NIRSPEC Setting (kl1, kl2, mw) - Europa. Name describes possible East-West or North-South slit orientations using "ew" or "ns", respectively. level0 Folder with raw data and other details. logsheet.txt Description of files and properties. Note: there could be errors in the "Object Name", however their organization is correct (regardless of their wrong description). darks Calibration (darks .fits). flats Calibration (flats .fits). raw Science (raw .fits) - Level 0 data. level1 Folder containing Level 1 data. For details see the Methods section of Paganini et al. (2020) and Appx. 2 of B. Bonev's Thesis (2005) atm LBLRTM results. These files are created by a Layer-By-Layer Radiative Transfer Model (LBLRTM) of the terrestrial atmosphere at the time of observation. For further details and documentation on LBLRTM, please see: lblrtmD*.log Log file (information resulting from the retrieval of the terrestrial atmosphere). lblrtmD*.trn Convolved transmittance. This file has two columns: Wavenumber [cm-1] , Convolved transmittance [Unitless]. lblrtmD* Plot of transmittance from each molecular species in each specific order. lblrtmD* Plot of transmittance (R = 1E5; black) convolved transmittance (R ~25,000 for the 3-pix slit and ~20,000 for the 5-pix slit; red). D* Spectral orders. beam.fits Spectrally and spatially registered frame ("ready for science"). gamma.txt Gamma [W s/m2/cm-1/ADU] and integration time (t_int; [s]) used to calibrate spectrum in Analog to Digital Units [ADU] to [W/m2/cm-1]. noise.fits Spectrally and spatially registered noise frame ("ready for science"). Plot of extracted 5-row pixel spectrum [5 row pixels equal to 0.99"] . The plot shows the following details. In black: the Europa spectrum without continuum subtraction (top) and with continuum subtraction (bottom). In red: a fit of the continuum. In green: the stochastic uncertainty. The blue crosses show the regions of the spectrum used to fit the continuum, while the green crosses show the regions that were not used for the continuum fitting process (because the detector could have some artifacts on the edges). spectra00.dat Matrix file containing 6 columns. 1: Wavenumber [cm-1]. 2: Spectrum with continuum subtracted [ADU]. 3: Noise [sigma, ADU]. 4: 5-row pixel spectrum [ADU]. Note: To convert [ADU] to [W/m2/cm-1], multiply this matrix by gamma and divide by integration time (both values can be found in gamma.txt). 5: Model of continuum [ADU]. 6: Transmittance. kl2_star NIRSPEC Setting - Flux standard. level0 Folder with raw data and other details. logsheet.txt Description of files and properties. Note: there could be errors in the "Object Name", however their organization is correct (regardless of a possible wrong description). darks Calibration (darks .fits). flats Calibration (flats .fits). raw Science (raw .fits) - Level 0 data. level1 Folder containing Level 1 data. For details see the Methods section of Paganini et al. (2020) and Appx. 2 of B. Bonev's Thesis (2005) D* Spectral orders. beam.fits Spectrally and spatially registered frame ("ready for science"). gammas.txt Gammas [W s/m2/cm-1/ADU] resulting from observations of flux standard. noise.fits Spectrally and spatially registered noise frame ("ready for science").