PyKOA: A Python Interface to KOA Data

PyKOA offers provides access to public raw science and calibration files acquired with any of the KOA instruments. Keck Observatory PIs may use the KOA credentials already assigned to them with PyKOA to access their protected data.

PyKOA also enables a rich variety of searches, including cone, box, polygon, or all-sky spatial searches; temporal searches; searches on program infortmation; and complex searches on multiple attributes, through queries structured in the IVOA Astronomical Query Language (ADQL).

Functionality For End Users

PyKOA supports the following methods for accessing KOA science and calibration data:

PyKOA writes the output metadata data to an output file, in the IPAC ASCII, VOTable, CSV or TSV data formats.


PyKOA can be installed from PyPI:

pip install --upgrade pykoa


Requires Python 3.6 (or above), plus table read and write functions from Astropy. We have tested with Astropy 4.0.1. We recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution.

Jupyter Notebooks

These Jupyter Notebooks provide examples of the methods supported by PyKOA, and examples of how Keck PIs may login and access their protected data.

Instrument Notebook HTML version
All instruments (except KPF)
Moving Object Search Service
Display helper module:
ESI PyKOA_ESI_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_ESI_introduction.html
DEIMOS PyKOA_DEIMOS_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_DEIMOS_introduction.html
HIRES PyKOA_HIRES_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_HIRES_introduction.html
KCWI PyKOA_KCWI_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_KCWI_introduction.html
KPF PyKOA_KPF_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_KPF_introduction.html
LRIS PyKOA_LRIS_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_LRIS_introduction.html
LWS PyKOA_LWS_NIRC_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_LWS_NIRC_introduction.html
MOSFIRE PyKOA_MOSFIRE_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_MOSFIRE_introduction.html
NIRC PyKOA_LWS_NIRC_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_LWS_NIRC_introduction.html
NIRC2 PyKOA_NIRC2_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_NIRC2_introduction.html
NIRES PyKOA_NIRES_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_NIRES_introduction.html
NIRSPEC PyKOA_NIRSPEC_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_NIRSPEC_introduction.html
OSIRIS PyKOA_OSIRIS_introduction.ipynb PyKOA_OSIRIS_introduction.html
Download all PyKOA Notebook examples